Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I caved and am finally starting a blog just for my knitting.

This is just a sign of my long, slow descent into old yarn lady. I may only be 22 right now, but if I'm unmarried by forty, I will probably have a house with several cats and rooms full of yarn. I'm thinking at least one room for wools, another for cottons. Maybe Cascade 220 can have its own room. Novelty yarns get the hall closet. I'm not too fond of them.

Current WIPs:
A set-in sleeve sweater - needs seaming then DONE!
Booga Bag #2 - I-cord done, just a few rows from picking up and starting in the round
Coronet from Knitty - one repeat of the cable done, my first cable ever
Shapely Tank - Six inches in
Clover Wrap from SnB Nation - swatching

I also have yarn ready and at attention for:

And am lusting after:
A cute but light wrap or shrug.

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